Dee Lindner: Award-Winning Photographer, Writer, Crafter & Collector
Dee Lindner, known as the "Sock Monkey Lady®," shares a passion with millions of others for America's celebrated red heel sock monkeys. A sock monkey enthusiast, crafter, and collector, she aspires to capture the spirit of the sock monkey for all to enjoy through her camera lens, writing, baking, and crafting of sock monkey novelty items.
The Sock Monkey Lady kindles interest in the red-heel sock monkey tradition through various media. She has shared her passion for red heel sock monkeys on radio and television (Carol Duvall show and news channels). Her work has graced the Pottery Barn for Kids Catalog, Country Woman and other national magazines, syndicated newspapers, museums, and storefront window displays. Her sock monkeys have also been gifted to celebrities and prominent citizens and have been used as inspirational prototypes for gigantic sock monkey molds.

One of the Sock Monkey Lady's remarkable hand-made creations, "Nelson," is a 7'2" red heel sock monkey with a life of his own. Created from multiple red heel socks, this giant-sized monkey has flown around the nation and often makes the news!
Sock monkey enthusiasts enjoy the Sock Monkey Lady's widely acclaimed and popular humor-filled sock monkey photography. Dee's Sock Monkey Greeting Cards®, giftbooks, coloring books, in addition to a line of sock monkey novelty items such as checkbooks, bookmarks, valentine fun packs, journals, boxed holiday cards, note cards, and gift enclosure cards to name a few, have been adorned with her sentimental images. Her sock monkey-themed creations are funny, cute, charming, and brimming with attitude and the perfect daily pick-me-up for anyone who needs a gentle dose of humor and kindness.
Sock monkey enthusiasts enjoy the Sock Monkey Lady's widely acclaimed and popular humor-filled sock monkey photography. Dee's Sock Monkey Greeting Cards®, giftbooks, coloring books, in addition to a line of sock monkey novelty items such as checkbooks, bookmarks, valentine fun packs, journals, boxed holiday cards, note cards, and gift enclosure cards to name a few, have been adorned with her sentimental images. Her sock monkey-themed creations are funny, cute, charming, and brimming with attitude and the perfect daily pick-me-up for anyone who needs a gentle dose of humor and kindness.

Dee aspires to share the pleasure that making these creations brings to her with others. Her products have reached an international audience and are available for shipment worldwide. Her unique action-oriented sock monkey images have been available on the Internet and in bookstores, galleries, gift shops, coffee shops, medical centers, museums, and restaurants. She offers products through her Products page link. Licensing and publishing inquiries are welcome. Dee can be contacted via under tab, Licensing Info.
The Sock Monkey Lady's creations are meant to bring luck and goodwill to all. Your smile is a symbol of her success!
The Sock Monkey Lady's creations are meant to bring luck and goodwill to all. Your smile is a symbol of her success!
"Forgiving a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars.
You have to let go sometime in order to move forward"
Anonymous Sock Monkey
"Wise men speak because they have something to say--
fools because they have to say something"
"Sock monkey say holey socks not to be worshipped"
Anonymous Sock Monkey